Announcing the Early Access, LEAP YEAR!

Finally, we have the Early Access date for Direct Contact set to the 29th of February, as it’s a leap year, and it won’t be back for another 4 years.

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Updates about our game

Greetings, We are thrilled to share some exciting updates about our game, Direct Contact. Our team has been diligently working behind the scenes, and we have some significant news to share with you. Firstly, let’s address the most pressing matter – the shift in our release date from December 13, 2023, to the beginning of […]

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17th of May Constitution Day.17th of May

17th of May is about to come, and as a Norwegian first, we celebrate Constitution Day. While many countries celebrate their national day with a military parade, Norway’s 17th of May is a party for everyone, especially children. So we are holding an event this day, get into Patreon to get the game for 25$ […]

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PayPal Donation

If you prefer to support our work via PayPal, use this EMAIL. Here you can support us with any amount you can spare with us. PayPal Email – 81mountain81@gmail.com

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We are in Facebook Now!

Hey, We are excited to say you can now follow the development of Direct Contact on our official Facebook page.

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Direct Contact is specifically dedicated to the market of FPS military-based tactical shooter games. Bringing in a level of customization to weapons and loadout that is very advanced, The player’s loadout can suit the situation at hand, from CQB-based situations to mid to long-range, also bringing the capability to call in airstrikes, with photorealistic explosions […]

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Announcing the Early Access, LEAP YEAR!

Updates about our game


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